Nearby are Clear Shade Creek, Cub Run, and Piney Run trout streams, which are nothing less than a commune with nature. The Pennsylvania Fish Commission rates Cub Run and Piney Run as Exceptional Value Cold Water Fisheries supporting naturally reproducing Brown trout and Brook trout. Clear Shade Creek is one of the region's best trout fisheries and the only stream in the StonyCreek-Conemaugh Basin that has a Fly Fishing Only section. All three streams are regularly stocked. Beaver dams are occasionally found along Clear Shade Creek.
Blueberry Meadows has a membership in the Windber Sportsmans Club (View Photo Gallery) just ¼ mile from Kicky's Ridge. Our guests can fish in the lake with a Pennsylvania Fish License and use the shooting range if they bring along paper targets and pick up used brass casings when done.
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